Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Feather Up Your...........

Picture this: My mother-in-law is sitting by the fire, with a cup of hot tea and she lets out a big sigh. This is not the first sigh of the day and it's only 7am. She's on vacation, staying with us for 10 fabulous days, yet whenever there is a moment of inactivity, you will hear her let out a big sigh.I ask her, "what? what could be wrong so early in the morning?" She can't help herself, she is a worrier. She inherited this way of being from her mother and grandmother, I am sure. She laughs and replies to everyone in the room (my husband, father-in-law and myself) "Sandy was born with a feather up her ass." I almost spit my piping hot cafe mocha out my nose. Laughing hysterically; "whaaaat did you say?!"I guess I inherited my way of being (let's call it the "feather up the ass" way) from my mother. My mom is pretty happy, enjoying her life, traveling all over the world, having great adventures. So, I wondered...Can you implant a feather up someone else's ass?If I were going to write a process to begin this way of being, here's how it would go:Step 1. Get a feather.By feather I mean a passion, something that gets you out of bed in the morning, something that excites you, something you can look forward to each day. It can be a hobby, a sport or exercise that you enjoy, a business or creative project that you are working on or simply a volunteer at an organization that you truly believe in. Just find something that's your 'feather'. It tickles you, it makes you smile, it reminds you to be light and free.Step 2. Stick it where the sun don't shine.By this, I mean, let it consume you, (at least a little bit). Allow yourself to completely immerse yourself in the process, the sport, the hobby, the project, the person. Whatever it is, do it all the way! Let it wash over you like a tidal wave of passion, let it crawl inside of you and seep into your being-ness with it's excitement and fun-ness. If you're still trying to figure out what your 'feather' is, allow yourself to experiment with different possibilities~ you can't do this wrong. Just have FUN!Step 3. Tickle Yourself from the Inside.Instead of waiting for someone else to make you laugh, make yourself laugh. Instead of waiting for someone else to give you permission to dance, sing, play, launch- just do it! Right now! Let your 'feather' make you giggle and ignite your silliness starting today. You are tapping into the same energy that we reach in deep meditation when you allow yourself to laugh. Go for the deep, rich, belly laughs! Why not?Ask yourself this question: "Would you rather have a stick or a feather up your ......?"Allrighty then!It's time to let the world tickle your fancy!

Sandy Grason is a Rock Star Author, Int'l Speaker & Hot Mogul. Get on the Guest List for Sandy's next Virtual Cocktail Party®, gain access to private videos, articles, tips, tools and strategies. Take the Hot Mogul Quiz and get Fabulous Free Gifts including: 60-minute mp3 download "The Manifesting Mojo Class" where you'll learn how to rock your manifesting mojo now at www.SandyGrason.comPermission to Claim Your Magnificence Passionately, Powerfully & Profitably www.SandyGrason.com * info@sandygrason.com * 800-440-9221

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Best Tool in Landing a Job in this Economy!

ATTITUDE! Dude........there is absolutely no replacement for a great attitude. Oh, you can certainly listen and hear mounds of news articles on job layoffs, lack of jobs in the market place and gloom and doom Sayers that will keep you in your seats. The reality is that you are one person looking for one job and there are still plenty of companies hiring. The trick is to find them. So stand up, dust yourself off, examine your 'Tude Dude and get out there!

No one says it will be easy but there are plenty of people that will help you (the one you) find the one job! Take a look at these suggestions and then put on a happy face and don't waste anymore time.

  • Value yourself and what you can bring to an employer.
  • Have a Professional review and comment on your resume. It should contain specific demonstrated achievements about your past employment.
  • Create a short "Elevator Speech" that is direct and to the point about who you are and what you want. Write it down, learn it verbatim until you sound confident and succinct when you deliver it.
  • Solicit every friend, neighbor, social contact and family member to assist you in your quest. NETWORK - NETWORK - NETWORK
  • Engage an agency to work on your behalf. Agencies have many more contacts than any one individual could ever solicit; plus they have their ears and eyes to ground and know which companies are hiring. And not just any agency .....one you trust and one that is responsive to you and your employment needs. A good agency can compliment your strategy and catapolt you to the next level of finding the right company for you.

This article was written by Sondra Martinez, SPHR; Business Development Manager and Sr. Recruiter for Corporate Leads, Inc. Corporate Leads, Inc., is a contingency search firm specializing in the nationwide placement of Military Officers and business experienced managers, supervisors and technicians. Please visit their website at www.corporateleads.com or Sondra directly on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com (Search Sondra Martinez, SPHR)